Macrolane Injections

Macrolane Injections in Islamabad, Rawalpindi & Lahore are also known as Injectable Body Contouring injections. These are used for the purposes of enhancement and enlargement of the breasts, calves, and buttocks.

Pre-Operative Care Instructions:

Before undergoing the Macrolane Injections, the physician will guide you to properly follow these Pre-Operative Care Instructions:

  • You will have to avoid drinking alcoholic and caffeinated beverages for at least a week, before getting the Macro lane Injections.
  • You will have to stop taking blood-thinning medications for a couple of days, before getting the Macro lane Injections.

Post-Operative Care Instructions:

After undergoing the Macrolane Injections, the physician will guide you to properly follow these Post-Operative Care Instructions:

  • You will have to regularly take the prescribed medicines, according to the instructions of the physician.
  • You will have to avoid energetic or strenuous activities like; heavy items lifting and workout for a couple of weeks, after getting the Macro lane Injections.
  • If you feel any signs of infections, immediately consult the doctor.

Good Candidates for Macrolane Injections?

Following are the good candidates for Macrolane Breast Enlargement Injections:

  1. If you aren’t pregnant or a lactating mother.
  2. If you had breast cancer.
  3. If you are mentally and physically healthy.
  4. If you haven’t undergone a surgical procedure.
  5. If you are 18 years old or above.
  6. If you aren’t suffering from any medical condition.
  7. If you have realistic expectations regarding the results of the Macro lane Injections procedure.

The Procedure is Performed?

Following are the procedural steps involved in the Macrolane Breast Enlargement Injections:

  1. First of all, the physician will administer local anesthesia to your treatment required area to make the procedure painless, relaxed, and comfortable.
  2. Then he will administer the Macro lane Injections or the substance using a thin cannula or large gauge spinal needle.


Following are the numerous benefits of undergoing Macrolane Injections:

  1. One of the most important benefits of getting the Macro lane Injections is that these will provide instant or immediate results.
  2. Macro lane Injections has a reasonable and affordable cost so that everybody would be able to get these and enjoy its benefits.
  3. The procedure of Macro lane Injections is completely non-surgical and doesn’t involve any surgical steps such as; stitching or cutting.
  4. Macro lane Injections will improve the size of your breasts increase and will also safely lift them.
  5. Macro lane is a natural product that’s why Macro lane Injections are completely safe and doesn’t cause any kind of side effects, skin allergies, or post-procedural complications.
  6. The procedure of Macro lane Injections takes less time or an hour to complete.
  7. Macro lane Injections have fast healing and recovery process.

How Much Do the Macrolane Injections Cost?

Following are the factors on which, the cost of Macrolane Injections in Islamabad, Rawalpindi & Lahore is dependent:

  • Your treatment area.
  • The fee of the physician
  • The reputation and authenticity of the clinic.
  • Charges of Prescribed medications
  • Charges of additional tests.


If you want to safely, painlessly, and permanently improve and enlarge the size of your breasts, calves, and buttocks at an affordable cost without suffering from botched or post-procedural side effects, then feel free to consult the Dynamic Injectable clinic to consider the Macrolane Injections.