Are you willing to get fuller eyebrows? Microblading in Islamabad is one of the effective and quick procedures to get desiring brows. If you’re unhappy with your eyebrow shape, a specialized procedure offers the opportunity to achieve fuller brows. Unlike permanent tattooing, this pigment can be washed off if desired.
If you seek a time-saving solution for flawless brows, Dynamic Clinic provides aesthetic treatments and comprehensive information about it. Let’s explore the treatment!
Who is a Good Candidate?
- This world is multicultural and multi-lingual and each person differs from the other regarding skin tone and complexion. But, there is no need to worry about anything as this procedure is suitable for everyone (of any age or any tone).
- Alopecia is a procedure that is responsible for the loss of hair. This can happen due to any disease or there are certain medicines that are also responsible for hair loss. If you are suffering from alopecia, you are also a perfect candidate for the procedure.
A pen-type instrument is employed which will perform the procedure. The pigment used is not normal but rather a medical-grade pigment is used on the uppermost layer of the skin. This procedure does not imply permanent ink in the area. Fine and realist strokes are obtained by this pen. The only difference between microblading with micro shading is that the latter only implies dots which gives a less definitive appearance.
The following steps are involved in the procedure:
- Stop threading or plucking your brows even if you do it regularly.
- Your consultant will use a numbing cream half an hour before the procedure.
- Usually, the color is chosen in the first consultation but if it has not been done then swatches can be seen at this stage and you can choose the color.
- The region to be treated is measured.
- The area is cleaned.
- The procedure will be performed with the help of a pen which will utilize needles and pigmentation is ingrained in the upper layer of the skin.
The area may feel irritated as a foreign element has been inserted into the body. So don’t worry. Results are not immediately visible rather it will take one month or so for the results to be completely visible. Brows can lose hair or even fade, this phenomenon shall not bother you because this is natural. Stay patient and wait.
Following precautions are recommended after the procedure:
- Use an antibacterial ointment for some time to avoid infection
- After that, use vaseline for a week.
- Avoid itching and rubbing the area
- Avoid plucking scabs
- The use of retinol is prohibited.
Microblading costs in Islamabad range from PKR 25,000 per session. Certain factors influence the price, such as the fact that alopecia patients may require multiple sessions, resulting in a higher cost than those who only want a fuller brow. The cost is also influenced by the technician’s experience and the clinic’s location.
Is This Procedure Painful?
The general perception is that this procedure will hurt you, but it does not. It would have if no numbing cream is used, but as it is used here hence it is painless.
There are some people who are maybe irritated by the sound of the blade which has a little scratching sound. The process as a whole will take 2 hours: one hour for numbing and one hour for the procedure.
The Dos and Don’ts:
There are certain precautionary measures that need to be observed before the procedure:
Before the procedure:
- Hair removal by any means is strictly prohibited one week prior to the procedure
- You must avoid going in direct sunlight as it can cause sunburns which can halt the process.
- No type of facial or peeling can be done 2 weeks before the procedure.
- No retinol shall be taken one month before treatment
- Avoid botox
- Blood thinners are strictly prohibited like vitamin E or fish oil
On the day of the procedure:
- Avoid alcohol at least one day before treatment
- Coffee shall not be taken on the same day of treatment
- No blood thinners on the day of the procedure (aspirin, ibuprofen)
Immediately after treatment:
- Washing must be done in a gentle manner with lukewarm water.
- Use of antibacterial soap is recommended.
- Dry the area with the tissue
- Nothing containing acids shall be used on the site
- Apply a small amount of coconut or rosehip oil to each brow in the morning and evening.
Can I Suffer An Allergic Reaction?
Certain people who have extreme sensitivities to different hues have been diagnosed with allergic reactions, although this is a rare occurrence. However, a patch test should always be performed prior to the surgery. This allows you to determine the chemical’s sensitivity. Microblading breaks the skin, making it vulnerable to infectious diseases like HIV and bacterial skin infections. The most common causes of infection transmission are unsterile tools and associated equipment. All equipment must be sterilized before the treatment begins to avoid any contagious concerns.
Is This Permanent?
This ink is not permanent and will likely vanish after two years. The length of time depends on the type of skin, such as whether it is oily or dry. On oily skin, the color will fade after a year. The hue of the usual skin type will last for two years. After one and a half years, follow-ups are always required. Because this treatment leaves no scars, fading of colors will begin after 18 months if no top-us is performed.
Best place To Get Microblading in Islamabad:
Make an appointment with Dynamic Clinic PK to obtain your own semi-permanent brow style. Just bear in mind that we advise doing your homework and researching professionals’ previous work to ensure you get the outcomes you want. You can call us or contact us by filling out the form below.