Everyone wants to look young, but aging is also a fact. Different treatments have been introduced in order to make face look young, fresh and beautiful. Some of these treatments are surgical while some are non-surgical. Most of the time non-surgical treatments are used but unfortunately, these treatments cannot produce lifetime results so after some time you have to go for some sort of surgical treatment.
The face loses the natural volume with time from cheeks, under eyes, and jawlines. Due to this the natural shape of the face is diminished and the face appears to have a heavy squarer bottom along the jawline. This does not look nice. One of the common non-surgical treatments being used for dealing with such issues is Stem Cell FaceLift in Islamabad, Rawalpindi & Lahore. It is the most preferred and best treatment.
What is Stem Cell Facelift Treatment?
It is a kind of fat grafting procedure. In this treatment fat cells from some other body parts like stomach, buttocks, thigh, etc. are removed by liposuction. These separated fat cells are then processed further in order to separate platelets, then platelet-rich plasma is introduced to the face targeted areas.
It is believed that adult stem cells have the ability to heal damaged tissues and can be responsible for producing new blood vessels. This ultimately can give a more fresh and youthful glow.
Who Can Have This Treatment?
Those who want to get a fresh and younger look can go for this treatment. People having mild aging effects and have good health, are the best candidates for this Cosmetic treatment.
How Is It Similar To a Liquid Facelift?
In liquid FaceLift types of fillers are used to reconstruct the facial volume like hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxyapatite, etc. Stem Cell FaceLift in Islamabad, Rawalpindi & Lahore is a modern treatment of liquid facelift. In this treatment body’s own cells are used to produce plasma-rich liquid that is injected into the face.
How Long Does It Take to Recover?
The recovery time period depends upon the severity of the aging process and the kind of procedure being used for treatment. Normally it takes almost seven to ten days. During this period you may feel discomfort and also there are chances of mild swelling and redness.
Final Thoughts:
Stem cell facelift is the best treatment you have to dimish aging effects. Once you decide that you really want to have this treatment, there is a need to consult a doctor. He can tell you whether you are a good candidate for it or not.