Nowadays there are very few people, who aren’t a victim of hair loss. Because hair loss has spread all around the globe like an invasive disease. No matter how old you are, but still you can be a victim of hair loss. The only key to keep your hair healthy and beautiful is to take good care by adopting a healthy lifestyle.
In past times, people felt humiliated and embarrassed of the fact, that they had undergone a FUT and FUE Hair Transplant in Karachi. Most people didn’t even dare to disclose that they had a hair transplant, and they kept it secret.
But now, hair transplant are no longer reflected as a disgraceful thing. Instead people are undergoing it with pride to treat their eyelashes, eyebrows, beard, hair loss, hair thinning, high hairline or baldness.
What are the Early Signs of Hair Loss?
If you are observing these symptoms of hair loss, then it means that you are also a victim of hair loss:
- If your hair are becoming thinner and weaker.
- If you are suffering from overall hair loss like, eyebrows, eyelashes and scalp hair.
- If your hair suddenly starts falling out.
- If you are suffering from, bald spots on your head.
Don’t Self Diagnose:
First and most important thing is to avoid self-diagnosis. Because hair regrowth tonics, creams, gels or sprays etc. fail long term, either due to their expensive prices, or the need for repeating the procedure every week or certain side effects and skin allergies that they may cause such as, irritation, swelling, redness, inflammation, rashes, blemishes, acne etc.
If you are suffering from hair loss, hair thinning or baldness and want to permanently treat it with natural, safe and long lasting results at a reasonable price without suffering from the botched results, skin allergies, post-procedural complications and side effects then you can consider FUT, FUE Hair Transplantation.
Good Candidates:
If you want to undergo Hair Transplant, then first you will have to make sure whether you are a good candidate for this treatment or not:
- If you are suffering from hair loss.
- If you have a tight scalp.
- If your hairline has receded or moved back.
- If you aren’t pregnant or breastfeeding.
- If you want to undergo a painless hair transplant procedure.
- If you are suffering from hair thinning.
- If you have insufficient donor hair such as; hair on the sides and back of your head.
- If you are mentally and physically healthy.
- If your hair loss isn’t progressing anymore.
- If you aren’t suffering from any serious medical condition.
- If you want to undergo a minimal invasive hair transplant procedure.
- If you are 20 years old or above.
- If you want to boost up your confidence and self-esteem level.
- If you are suffering from baldness.
- If you have realistic expectations regarding the results of Transplant.
Following are the goals of Hair Transplant Clinic:
- It won’t leave scars on your recipient and donor areas.
- It will help you in providing you long-lasting hair that won’t fall.
- It will help you in boosting up your confidence and self-esteem level.
- It will help you in enhancing your physical beauty by making you more beautiful and attractive.
- It will help you in providing you thicker and healthier hair.
Pre-Operative Care Instructions:
Before undergoing the Best Hair Transplant Clinic in Karachi, the surgeon will guide you to properly follow these pre-operative care guidelines:
- You will have to stop taking painkillers or blood thinning medications, at least 2 weeks before undergoing the hair transplant procedure.
- You have to quit smoking, before undergoing the hair transplant procedure.
- You will also have to avoid drinking alcoholic and caffeinated beverages, for almost a week before undergoing the hair transplant procedure.
- You will have to adopt a healthy diet by properly following the recommended diet plan.
- You will have to avoid taking herbal supplements, before undergoing the Hair Transplant procedure.
- You will have to regularly take the prescribed medications advance as per the trichologist instructions, before undergoing the hair transplant procedure.
Procedure is performed?
Following are the operative steps involved in the procedure:
- Step 1:
First of all, the surgeon will shave your donor areas to make the extraction process easy and comfortable.
- Step 2:
Then he will mark your recipient region or the treatment required area, according to your requirements.
- Step 3:
Then the surgeon will administer local anaesthesia to your donor areas to make the extraction process painless and comfortable.
- Step 4:
He will extract your donor hair follicles, either individually or in a form of strip.
- Step 5:
The surgeon will use a specially designed punch tool, to extract your hair follicles from your donor areas.
- Step 6:
Then he will carefully trim the extracted hair follicles, under a stereo microscope to get the desirable size.
- Step 7:
The surgeon will administer local anaesthesia to your recipient area for the painless and relaxed implantation process of extracted hair follicles.
- Step 8:
He will make tiny incisions at the right angle and locations at your recipient region.
- Step 9:
In the end, the surgeon will carefully and properly implant the extracted hair follicles, into the tiny incisions at your recipient region.
Post-Operative Care Instructions:
After undergoing the Hair Transplant, the surgeon will instruct you to properly follow these post-operative care instructions:
- You will be strictly recommended to not wash your head for at least a month, after undergoing the procedure.
- You will have to sleep in an upright position, after undergoing the procedure.
- You will have to avoid scratching, touching or rubbing your treated area, for at least 3 days after undergoing the procedure.
- You will have to adopt a healthy diet by properly following the recommended diet plan.
- You will be strictly instructed to avoid the prolonged, excessive or direct sun exposure, after undergoing the procedure.
- You will have to use ice packs on your treated area to minimize irritation, soreness and inflammation, after undergoing the procedure.
- You will have to limit your physical activities by avoiding workouts and vigorous tasks for recommended time period, after undergoing the procedure.
- You will have to regularly take the prescribed medicines as per the trichologist instructions, after undergoing the procedure.
Benefits are there?
Following are the various benefits of FUE Hair Transplant in Karachi:
- The procedure takes very less time or almost an hour to complete.
- It’s an inexpensive and reasonable hair loss treatment as compared to others.
- It will give you long-lasting and natural results or hair.
- It is a totally safe procedure and doesn’t cause any kind of side effects or post-procedural complications.
- It will boost up your confidence and self-esteem level.
- It doesn’t leave noticeable marks or scars on your recipient and donor areas.
- Not even a single person will be able to differentiate in-between your natural and transplanted or new hair.
- It’s the most effective hair loss treatment.
- You don’t have to worry about the delayed recovery because it has a fast healing and recovery process.
- It’s a completely painless hair transplant surgery.
- You will be able to style, color and trim your transplanted hair, like your natural hair.
If you are suffering from hair loss, hair thinning or baldness and want to permanently treat it with natural, high success rates, safe and long lasting results at a reasonable price without suffering from the botched results, skin allergies, post-procedural complications and side effects, then feel free to consult the Dynamic Clinic to consider Hair Transplant Clinic in Karachi.