Full Body Whitening Injections in Islamabad, & Pakistan

Some people are blessed with fair skin tone, and some have dark-coloured skin. You should not be ashamed of your skin colour as every skin colour is beautiful in its own way. But if you are unhappy with your colour and this factor lowers your confidence, then you should not worry because we have Full Body Whitening Injections in Islamabad. These injections will help you get fairer in just a few sessions without any side effects.

Benefits of Glutathione Injections:

For skin whitening, glutathione injections are used. Following are some benefits of the injections.

  • It is the best solution for lightening the skin
  • It will also minimise the pores
  • It helps in smoothing the texture of the skin
  • It also helps to boost your immunity
  • These injections also slow down the process of ageing
  • Your confidence will increase
  • It will also resolve your hyperpigmentation
  • You will get hydrated and fresh skin
  • It is suitable for all skin types
  • It will give you dramatic results

Best Glutathione Injections:

Dynamic Clinic has the best whitening injections. Among all the whitening injections, glutathione injections are the best. It gives effective and long-lasting results. You should avoid buying whitening injections from local stores as it can cause severe side effects. Always consult a dermatologist before undergoing skin whitening injections. If you choose the injections yourself, then you might face side effects as they can contain substances that may be harmful to you. The dermatologist will examine your skin condition and will recommend the type of whitening injection which is suitable for you.

Are Skin Whitening Injections Permanent?

The results of Full Body Whitening injections in Islamabad are not permanent. If you want to maintain the results, then you will follow-up treatment sessions. It will not only whiten your skin but will also boost your confidence level. For getting long-lasting results, it is important to maintain the results by applying a medicated SPF. It will minimise the production of melanin in the body.

Number of Treatments Required:

The number of sessions of skin whitening injections depends upon the colour of the skin and your desired results. You may require 8 to 10 sessions to get the results. But after that, you will need maintenance sessions for long-lasting results. The number of sessions varies for everyone.

Is Skin Whitening Injections Safe?

Full Body whitening injection is a non-invasive treatment, so it is a completely safe procedure. You may face redness or swelling, but it will fade away in a few days. The dermatologist will guide you about the treatment procedure and its side effects before the treatment. As compared to other cosmetic procedures, it is completely safe and effective.

Side Effects of Skin Whitening Injections:

You can face a few side effects, such as swelling or redness on the treatment site. But if you do not choose a professional dermatologist, then you can face severe side effects. Some of the side effects are as follows:

  • Asthma
  • Weight gain
  • Diarrhoea
  • Stomach pain
  • Eye injection
  • Skin allergy and sensitivity
  • Loss of sensation

If you want to avoid all these side effects, then it is necessary to know about a skilled dermatologist. And ask him questions about the type of whitening injection he is using. Till now, glutathione injections are the best whitening injections with little or no side effects.

Skin Lightening Injections Prices:

The average cost of Full Body Whitening Injections in Islamabad is from PKR 10,000 To PKR 20,000 per injection. The price may fluctuate depending upon the type of injection used and the number of sessions. It will be best if you consult our team to know the exact cost of the treatment procedure. Our dermatologist will examine your skin condition and will determine the actual price.

Final Thought!

If you are not happy with the colour of your skin and want to enhance the colour, then skin whitening injections are best for you. It is a painless treatment to achieve your dream goals. It is preferred by most patients because it is a comfortable procedure and does not require a long downtime to recover. Book an appointment now by filling out the form, and our team will contact you soon. If you want to know further about other options for skin whitening, then you can consult the Dynamic clinic team. They will guide you properly about all the treatment procedures.