What happens to original hair after hair transplant?

Do you want a hair transplant but worry about damaging your hair? It appears you’re not alone. As a Dynamic clinic, we meet many people with hair transplant opinions. At least one is this. Is the myth that hair transplants destroy natural hair true? Investigate the truth!

What is a hair transplant?

Hair is transplanted from a healthy area to a balding area. Surgical hair implantation is becoming more popular for common baldness sufferers. It is painless and performed under local anaesthesia.

This involves transplanting hair roots from hairy areas to hairless ones. Over multiple sessions, this capillary transplant covers bald patches of the scalp with hair. Because the roots may develop freely in their new habitat, the results are pleasing.

Can hair transplantation damage existing hair?

Let’s answer the question now to avoid waiting. A hair transplant won’t damage your natural hair. Thus, people live with this misperception. Someone heard it and believes it. Our hair transplantation experts say hair damage after a transplant is a myth. A hair transplant will affect your hair. However, it only affects a small amount of your hair near the transplant site. This is transient.

How does a hair transplant affect your existing hair?

As indicated, hair transplants do not damage hair. However, it affects the transplanted area. After a hair transplant, the recipient’s hair may thin. It may shrink and shed around the transplanted region.

Hair transplants and hair density

Hair density is the ratio of head follicular units to square centimetres. Ethnicity, heredity, and climate affect hair density. Normal scalp hair density is 80–100 follicular units per square centimetre, and there is no hair loss. At 50% density loss, thinning can be seen.

The surgeon might make several changes throughout the procedure to maximise hair density. The direction of the hair follicle, the amount of grafts, and the patient’s preferred combing pattern are adjusted. 


Hair transplants in Islamabad, Rawalpindi, and Pakistan have many benefits:

  • This hair-regrowth method is risk-free. Unlike other cosmetic treatments, this one does not cause allergic reactions.
  • It also solves the problem long-term. It is potent and naturally encourages hair growth, providing lifetime benefits.
  • This requires little attention. New hair grows quickly after hair loss. Convenience increases as costs decrease.
  • Simple, affordable improvements can make patients more appealing.

Categories of Islamabad hair transplants:

Nowadays, these hair transplants are done:

Hair transplantation with FUE:

Hair restoration surgery with Follicular Unit Extraction is the most common. Follicular units are taken from the scalp and transferred to the thin area during the process. Through micrografting, hair follicles are redistributed. Local anaesthetic is used to remove posterior scalp transplants.

FUT hair transplant:

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) was the first. It heals hair follicles differently. The distinction is that follicles are not physically removed. Instead, a back skin strip is cut to eliminate follicles.

Treatment of Hair Stem Cells:

A unique treatment for rapid hair loss uses the patient’s stem cells. By dividing into many cell kinds, stem cells can form bodily tissues. They are called mother cells because they may proliferate and create many body cells.

Fuss Hair Transplant:

CApillaries are used in Follicular Unit Strip Surgery. A small strip of skin one centimetre wide and 15 to 20 cm long is used to remove donor site hair. Scalp strip technique allows the process to recover several follicular units for implantation, its main benefit.

Robotic Hair Transplant:

Digital photos and robotic technologies are used to regrow plentiful and permanent hair in the most advanced technique. This method lets hair restoration specialists transplant hair without scars. 


When the patient starts the doctor-recommended preliminary exam, preparation begins. If the test shows no issues that would prevent the transplant, the patient must follow certain rules. Here are some tips for lifelong hair growth:

  • Avoid smoking and consuming alcohol before the operation to improve skin oxygenation and healing.
  • Wait 48 hours before surgery to use anti-inflammatory, beta-blocker, or blood-thinning drugs.
  • Blood-clotting drugs are restricted a week before the scheduled date.
  • Additionally, caffeine must be avoided.
  • You must wash your hair product-free one day in advance.

The Cost of Islamabad Hair Transplantation:

Hair transplant in Islamabad, Pakistan, cost PKR 85000 to PKR 250,000.

The following factors affect treatment costs:

  • Price depends on treatment method
  • Total grafts per transplant
  • Surgeons need experience and knowledge.
  • Clinic location affects price.

Book a consultation:

The Dynamic Clinic PK welcomes you and your family! Our goal is to provide you with high-quality cosmetic services using cutting-edge technology, innovative techniques, and a global team of professionals. We prioritize the greatest health and environmental standards while adhering to our financial plan.